Literary Fiction and Nonfiction

The Meadow

12:00 p.m.

The Kim Lang Set: A Page Out of History

Presenters: Emma Donoghue (Learned By Heart), Craig Shreve (The African Samurai), and Carolyn Whitzman (Clara At the Door With a Revolver)

Session Format: Readings, interviews, and discussion

Host: Susan G. Cole, writer, activist, and former Books Editor at NOW Magazine

Two women secretly fall in love at boarding school in 19th century York.

In the 16th century, an enslaved East African boy survives against all odds to become Japan’s first foreign-born samurai.

A Black tailor and single mother known for wearing men’s attire is arrested for murder in 19th century Toronto.

Join Emma Donoghue, Craig Shreve and Carolyn Whitzman as they discuss their deeply researched new books, revealing how they crafted authentic characters based on real people.

This set is named for Kim Lang, a valued patron and the festival’s former Artistic Director. Her vision, exceptionally high standards, and love of literature provided the foundation for the festival we’re enjoying today. We thank her for her continued support.

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