Workshop Survey 2024 Writing Workshops Feedback Form (2024) What workshop(s) did you attend? Everyday Poetics: Writing Practices, Reflections, and Strategies Making a Scene: Using Visual Prompts to Create Rich Imagery in Your Writing The Joy of Revision 7 Psych Tricks for Writer’s Block How did you hear about this workshop(s)? Please rate your experience: 5 (Excellent) 4 3 2 1 (Poor) Was the length of the workshop suitable? Yes No What did you like about the workshop(s) you attended?How can we improve in future?Demographic Information (Optional)In order to address barriers to participation and to provide thorough reports to our funders, we are collecting detailed demographic information. The information submitted below will contribute to an general profile of our audience that will inform our efforts to improve access to the festival and generate support for future events. I identify my gender as: I identify my ethnicity as: Age: 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+ Level of Education: Work Status (e.g. Employed, Self-Employed, Retired etc.): Postal Code: Thank you for completing this feedback form. If you would like to be entered in a draw for free admission to one of our 2025 workshops, please include your email below: